Course Information

Current Green Speed - 10,3ft (11/01/2016)

Mowing Heights -Greens (3mm), Tees and Fairways (9mm), Rough (76mm)

Monthly Rainfall - 31mm

Current Projects -Irrigation repairs, Bunker Maintenance, Turf Grass Reduction Plan - implementation , mowing and seeding of all native grass areas (to start as soon as first summer rains fall)

Important dates:

1 February - Course Closed for Tshwane Open Preperations

11 - 14 February - Tshwane Open 2016

Remember to visit our website for more information about PCC and any upcoming events at the Club.

PCC'S Instagram Pics

Friday 8 August 2014

PCC Tree List - 2014

PCC Tree List

A few years ago we made an effort to identify and record every specie of trees and shrubs, indigenous and exotics, currently growing on our property. 

About 80% of our trees on the course and other areas on our property have since been tagged with a green tag (indigenous) and yellow tag (exotics). This tag includes their Common names in English and Afrikaans, also the Botanical Name and National Tree Number.

Find below a list of the 105 available trees on PCC, with the exception of only 2 trees still to be identified.

           *All Exotics/Non-Indigenous trees are numbered with a "X"

Botanical Name

Common Name


National Tree no.

Acacia caffra Common hook-thorn Gewone Haakdoring 162
Acacia farnesiana Needle Bush Soetwattel X492
Acacia galpinii Monkey thorn Apiesdoring 166
Acacia mearnsii Blackwattle Swartwattel X494
Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood Swarthout X495
Acacia sieberiana var. woodii Paperbark thorn Papierbasdoring 187
Acacia terminalis Peppertree wattle Peperboomwattel X500
Acacia tortilis Umbrella thorn Haak en steek 188
Acacia xanthophloea Fever tree Koorsboom 189
Acer buergerianum Chinese maple Chinese ahorn X658
Aloe barberiae Tree aloe Boomaalwyn 28
Araucaria bidwillii Bunya-bunya Boenjaboenja X19
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana King Palm Koningpalm X207
Bauhinia blakeana Fragrant orchid tree Geur orgideeboom X520
Bauhinia variegata White orchid tree Witorgideeboom X523
Bolusanthus speciosus Tree wisteria Vanwykshout 222
Brachychiton acerifolium Australian flame tree Australiese vlamboom X722
Caesalpinia ferrea Leopard tree  Luiperd Boom X547
Callistemon citrinus Lemon bottlebrush Lemoenperdestert X853
Callistemon viminalis Weeping Bottlebrush Treurperdestert X856
Calodendrum capeanse Cape chestnut Wildekastaiing 256
Carya illinoinensis Pecan tree Pekanboom X271
Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail tree Perdestertboom X246
Cedrus deodara Deodar Deodar seder X46
Celtis africana White stinkwood Witstinkhout 39
Celtis australis Australian nettle tree Netelboom X322
Celtis sinensis Chinese Nettle tree Chinese netelboom X323
Ceratonia siliqua Carob tree Karob X524
Chorisia speciosa Silk floss tree Kapokboom X718
Cinnamomum camphora Camphor tree Kanferboom X396
Combretum erythrophyllum River bushwillow Vaderlandswilg 536
Combretum kraussii Forest bushwillow Bosvaderlandswilg 540
Combretum molle Velvet bushwillow Fluweelboswilg 537
Cotoneaster amoenus Fire mountain Pronkbessie X427
Cussonia paniculata Highveld cabbage tree Hoeveldse kiepersol 563
Cussonia spicata Common cabbage tree Gewone kiepersol 564
Dais cotinifolia Pompon tree Basboom 521
Dombeya rotundifolia Common wild pear Gewonde drolpeer 471
Dovyalis zeyheri Kei-apple Keiappel 507
Ekebergia capenis  Cape ash Essenhout 298
Eriobotrya japonica Loquat Lukwart X449
Erythrina crista-galli Cockspur coral tree Hoenderspoorkoraalboom X571
Erythrina lysistemon Common coral tree Gewone koraalboom 245
Eucalyptus globulus Blue gum Bloekom X815
Eucalyptus saligna Sydney blue gum/Saligna Gum Salignabloekom X817
Eucalyptus urnigera Urn Gum (nie beskikbaar) n/a
Euclea crispa Blue guarri Bloughwarrie 594
Faidherbia albida Ana tree Anaboom 159
Fagus sylvatica European beech Europese beukeboom X291
Faurea saligna Transvaal beech Transsvaalboekenhout 75
Ficus benjamina Weeping fig Treurvy X336
Ficus burkei Common wild fig Gewone Wilde Fy 48
Ficus hawaii Hawaiian Ficus Liana (nie beskikbaar) n/a
Fraxinus americana American Ash Amerikaanse esseboom X912
Gleditsia triacanthos Honey locust Soetpeulboom X537
Grevillea robusta Australian Silver-oak Australiese silwereik X347
Harpephyllum caffrum Wild plum Wildepruim 361
Heteropyxis natalenis Lavender tree Laventelboom 455
Hymenosporum flavum Sweet cheesewood Soetkasuur X414
Ilex aquifolium English Holly Europese Huls X650
Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda Jakaranda X971
Kigelia africana Sausage tree Worsboom 678
Kiggelaria africana Wild peach tree Wildeperskeboom 494
Lagerstroemia indica Pride of India Skubliesroos X766
Laurus nobilis Greek laurel Griekse lourier X403
Ligustrum lucidum Chinese Privet Chinese liguster X925
Liquidambar styracuflua Sweet gum Amberboom X416
Magnolia campbellii Indian magnolia Indiese magnolia X377
Melia azedarach Seringa Maksering X604
Morus nigra Mulberry Moerbei X327
Mundulea sericea Cork bush Kurkbos 226
Murraya exotica Orange Jessamine  Oranje jasmyn X580
Olea europaea ssp. africana Wild olive Olienhout 617
Peltophorum africanum Weeping wattle Huilboom 215
Pinus roxburgii Chir pine Tjirden X40
Platanus x acerifolia London plane Gewone plataan X419
Platycladus orientalis Chinese arborvitae Chinese lewensboom X83
Plumeria alba  White frangipani Wit frangipani X939
Podocarpus falcatus Outiniqua yellowwood Outeniekwa geelhout 16
Podocarpus henkelii Henkel's yellowwood Henkel-se-geelhout 17
Podocarpus latifolius Real yellowwood Opregte geelhout 18
Populus nigra Lombardy poplar Italiaanse populier X253
Populus simonii Simon's Poplar Chinese Populier X254
Populus tremuloides American aspen Amerikaanse esp X255
Quercus acutissma Bristle oak Stekeleik X296
Quercus palustris Pin oak  Moeraseik X309
Quercus robur English oak Steeleik X312
Quercus suber Cork oak Kurkeik X314
Robinia pseudo-acacia Black Locust Witakasia X562
Salix babylonica Weeping willow Treurwilger X258
Schefflera actinophylla Umbrella Tree  Australiese kiepersol X743
Schinus molle Pepper Tree Peperboom X638
Schotia brachypetala Weeping boer-bean Huilboerboon 202
Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra Marula Maroela 360
Searsia (Rhus) lancea Karee Karee 386
Searsia (Rhus) leptodictya Mountain karee Bergkaree 387
Searsia (Rhus) pendulina White karee Witkaree 396
Stenocarpus sinuatus Firewheel tree Vuurwielboom X363
Syagrus romanzoffiana Queen Palm or Cocos Palm Kokos palm X767
Syzygium paniculatum Australian water pear Australiese waterpeer X784
Tabebuia avellanedae Pink trumpet tree Pienk trompetboom X976
Taxodium distichum Swamp cypress Moerassipres X70
Tipuana tipu Tipu tree Tipoeboom X567
Ulmus parvifolia Chinese Elm  Fynblaarolm X319
Vibernum odoratissimum Sweet snowball Soetsneeublas X999

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