Course Information

Current Green Speed - 10,3ft (11/01/2016)

Mowing Heights -Greens (3mm), Tees and Fairways (9mm), Rough (76mm)

Monthly Rainfall - 31mm

Current Projects -Irrigation repairs, Bunker Maintenance, Turf Grass Reduction Plan - implementation , mowing and seeding of all native grass areas (to start as soon as first summer rains fall)

Important dates:

1 February - Course Closed for Tshwane Open Preperations

11 - 14 February - Tshwane Open 2016

Remember to visit our website for more information about PCC and any upcoming events at the Club.

PCC'S Instagram Pics

Friday 10 April 2015

Correct way when practicing on the Range

Find below an image that is very helpful to Maintenance Staff in preserving tee surface area on the Driving Range:
